Monday, November 15, 2010

I solved bigotry.

My theory is that the gradual decline of racism is fueling homophobia.  And I base my hypothesis on the underlying principle "Haters gonna' hate".  In fact, haters aren't just going to hate, they NEED to hate.  From the attitudes of our grandparents, we can tell that in the olden days it was okay to hate on anyone who wasn't a straight white male christian.  Social norms have changed and now certain bigotry can ostracize you from many social circles.  The other day I was playing online video game, when a teammate of mine said "You play like a god damn brazilian"  He meant this negatively.  This is clearly a hater clutching at straws, desperate to find a group of people he is better than.

It is clear that hating is a problem.  We can't stop it, but we can funnel it.  The ideal goal is to get people to hate each other on an individual basis, like I often do.  However, for most people, this is impractical.  Luckily, I have a solution.  First, the government should invent a country. Zarachia for example.  Next an underground campaign will be launched to make the Zarachian people hated.  Got a Polish joke? Now it's a Zarachian joke.  Got an anti-Semitic joke?  Now its a Zarachian religion joke.  Got a dead baby joke?  Now its a Zarachian dead baby joke.

Secret government officials will be introduced as Zarachian families living discretely in neighborhoods around the country.  They will have mockable accents, comedic language, and bizarre rituals no one can understand.  The government officials will try to be all the negative stereotypes more so then the present holders of those stereo types.  They will be covetous, lying thieves who cant drive.  They will  be stupid loud drunks.  Anytime the police have an unsolved crime, they will tell the public it was a Zarachian.  This should bring up some of the grass root hating that is so vital when you are trying to undermine an entire people.

By creating a group bigots of all types can hate, this should lessen the hate on real people.  Critics will say that the solution should focus on eliminating senseless hate, not misdirecting it.  Others might say anyone with a map would be able to see through the plan.  But let us think of the lightning rod.

The 1700's had a problem.  Lightning was fucking up shit.  Many inventors tried to eliminate lightning all together.  Hah, what fools.  Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod.  Or I guess you could say he found a different use for a metal stick.  Either way, the important thing is he didnt stop lightning, he misdirected it.

In regard to the "Made up country" issue, consider the venn diagram I made of Bigotrous Desires vs. Geographical Awareness.
   O   O

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